Available for Clearing 2024

University of Kent FAQs

What is University of Kent's Clearing Hotline number?

You can call University of Kent by clicking the button below.

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What is the acceptance rate for University of Kent?

University of Kent has an acceptance rate of around 80%.

What is the rank of University of Kent?

University of Kent ranks highly in many areas.

The university ranks for:

  • 32 for accommodation.
  • 62 for course quality.
  • 105 for graduate careers.
  • 62 for student life.
  • 59 in England.

The university also has an overall recommendation rating of 96. These ranks are voted for by Uni Compare users.

How many campuses does University of Kent have?

University of Kent has four main campuses, two in England, one in Belgium and another in France.

These campuses are:

  • Brussels campus
  • Canterbury campus
  • Medway campus
  • Paris campus

Specific courses need to be studied at particular campuses.

Who is the Chancellor of University of Kent?

Gavin Esler is the chancellor of University of Kent. Karen Cox is University of Kent's vice-chancellor.

Is University of Kent a Russell Group university?

University of Kent is not a part of the Russell Group of Universities.

Does University of Kent offer Clearing courses?

Yes, typically, University of Kent will offer Clearing courses.

What is the main address of University of Kent?

The main address for University of Kent is: University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NB.