Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University FAQs

What is the acceptance rate for Bournemouth University?

Bournemouth University has an acceptance rate of 50%.

How many campuses does Bournemouth University have?

Bournemouth University has two campuses, the Talbot campus and the Lansdowne campus.

What is the rank of Bournemouth University?

Bournemouth University ranks highly in many areas.

The university ranks for:

  • 17 for accommodation.
  • 76 for course quality.
  • 81 for graduate careers.
  • 16 for student life.
  • 27 in England.

These ranks are voted for by Uni Compare users.

What is the main address of Bournemouth University?

Bournemouth University's main address is Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB.

Does Bournemouth University offer Clearing courses?

Bournemouth University usually offers Clearing courses.

Who is the Chancellor of Bournemouth University?

Kate Adie is the chancellor of Bournemouth University. John Vinney is the university's vice-chancellor.

Is Bournemouth University a Russell Group university?

Bournemouth University is not a Russell Group of Universities member.

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